An Update on Coronavirus 04-06-20
Our showrooms remain temporarily closed, but staff are working from home and available by phone, Facebook, and Zoom. We will closed for Good Friday. There are some changes to our delivery procedures, delivery dates, and backorders.
Our showrooms remain temporarily closed, but staff are working from home and available by phone, Facebook, and Zoom. We will closed for Good Friday. There are some changes to our delivery procedures, delivery dates, and backorders.
I hope you are all staying healthy during these unprecedented times. The health of our employees, customers, families and community are our highest priority as we navigate this unparalleled challenge.
- Viking Kitchens is here to serve you to the best of our ability while balancing our commitment to ensuring a safe and healthy work environment for all of us.
- Currently our showrooms remain closed but our sales and design staff continue to work remotely and welcome the opportunity to connect with you via phone, Facebook and zoom.
- We continue to make job site deliveries but with the following restrictions:
- Deliveries to any occupied house or building is curbside or garage only. Our drivers will unload to the curb and place the paperwork with the materials. They will ask for your first initial and last name and they will note it on our copies on your behalf. Please maintain a minimum of 6’ of social distancing at all times during your delivery.
- Deliveries to new construction sites can still be delivered inside provided that no other contractors are in the vicinity and social distancing of no less than 6’ is observed. The same process for the exchange of paperwork and signing off on the delivery as stated above still apply.
- If you want to pick up an order, please call customer service in advance and your load will be pulled and waiting outside upon your arrival. Please make payment arrangements prior to pick up.
Lead Times & Backorders
Primarily as a result of staff shortages and supply chain challenges, virtually all of our vendors are experiencing extended lead times ranging from one week to several weeks.
This is further complicated by a significantly higher level of backorders with varying lead times to fill them. This is a constantly moving target and we will continue to provide updates as the situations demand Please talk to your sales consultant for details by brand. While we know how frustrating this can be, please be patient in this time or crisis.
Schedule Changes
Viking Kitchens office hours effective immediately are now 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday thru Friday.
All departments will be closed this Friday for Good Friday.
In addition, if you are accustomed to a set day of the week for your deliveries, expect the unexpected. We will continue to provide you with two-day advance calls and one day calls with you time envelope but deliveries may not be on the day of the week you are accustomed to.
Stay Safe, Stay Healthy!

David Trachten